The Bead Challenge: For Those Entering Grades 1-6
Pick up a reading log at the Youth Services desk and start reading! Every time you
read, keep track of how long you read and record it on your log. As soon as you’ve got minutes to redeem, stop by the library with your log to get your necklace and beads. Collecting and trading CAN be done during Fruit Camp visits to the library.
Reading levels:
• 15 minutes = solid color bead • 30 minutes = sparkly bead • 1 hour = shiny bead • 2 hours = glow-in-the-dark bead • 4 hours = charm

• You must bring your log with you to collect beads.• If you are exchanging beads to “level up” you must have the beads you wishto trade with you.• Registration, collecting and trading can only be done with youth services staff.